Friday, May 30, 2014

Thoughts for Your Weekend

This is actually a piggyback post from my previous entry.  A little cause and effect if you may.  These past few weekends have been full of stuff.  I have been doing photo shoots on the weekends, we have been picking out the details for our home (such a process to build!), we took a trip to North Carolina for my husband's triathlon, and one of the weekends Bumble was sick.  Needless to say, we have done a lot of online church watching.  I definitely have missed the consistency of going, but things have been so busy that honestly the weeks and weekends have all just been running together.

This last Saturday, after a morning shoot, I met my husband and our girls at the pool.  We had a wonderful time, but as 2:30 rolled around my hopes of going to the night service dwindled.  I knew that we needed to get them home, throw them in the bath, and put them down for naps.  Believe me, those girls need their naps.  So by 3:45 I had them down.  Before Bumble crashed she said, "Mom, are we going to church tonight?"  I said, "If you wake up in time, yes we will, but if you are still sleeping when it's time to go, we won't because you really need your rest."  
"Deal!", she said.

It was 5:00 p.m. and still no stirring.  Even the husband was passed out across the bed.  Bumble has a history of getting sick shortly after I run her around too much with errands and activities so after thinking on it I let her sleep.  

My husband woke up and we decided to watch the service online.  At 6:30 p.m. her door popped open and immediately she said, "Mom, are we going to church?"  I explained to her that church started at 6:00 and it's too late now.  That girl was so disappointed.  Not fully understanding, she pleaded her argument that we still needed to go.  

Let the guilt set in.  My child was begging me to go to church.

The next morning, I awoke at 6 a.m. to Bumble in my face.

"Mom, did I wake up early enough for church?"

I was thinking, "Oh yeah, too early."

Instead I said, "Yes, but we watched church last night online.  We're not going today, but we'll go next week."  I know.  Shame on me.

"Mommmm...I want to go.  Please can we go?!"

I rolled over and saw my husband, mouth wide open, snoring away.  I glanced at the baby monitor and saw Hoot doing the same.  Of course they were, it was 6 a.m. on Sunday, but how could I say no?  My immediate thought was, "I have already seen and heard the service online.  I really enjoyed it, but to go hear it again, when I could just stay in bed, did not seem very appealing."  I reluctantly said that we would go and was immediately met with jumping up and down from Bumble.  She was ecstatic.  I made her breakfast, got her dressed, and glanced out the window.  It looked cloudy, but not crazy.  My husband would stay home with Hoot while we ventured out.  I did not want Bumble to wake up Hoot so I let her wear the shoes that were still in the hallway, which totally did not match, but who cared?  Not this Mom.

We were out the door, actually early (which rarely happens for early service), just in time for it to start sprinkling outside.  Bumble and I ran to the car and I could feel my frustration growing.  How terrible is it that my little girl is just dying to go to church and here I sit in the front seat grumbling because I had to get up earlier than expected and now it was starting to rain?  I kept praying for perspective, the view I knew I should have, but all I could keep doing was focusing on the rain drops that were now pounding on my windshield.  When the rains come down in Tennessee it seems to start flooding fast and people were pulled over on the highway.  I could barely see out of the car, but here we were going to church.  A church service that I had already seen.  Why wasn't I in bed?!

Once we arrived, we ran into the church building, soaking wet.  I checked in Bumble and she excitedly leaped up the stairs, leading to her class.  Once she reached the top she smiled at me and sprinted down the hallway.  In that moment, even though I was a little late, I found the right perspective.  This little girl already has a growing heart for the Lord.  Sure, she may love the crafts they do.  She may love getting to see her friends, but I will tell you what else she loves.  She loves getting in the car and telling us about the things she learned.  She enjoys the conversations that we have about her lessons.  I love it when we are doing seemingly endless errands and she says, "Mom, I will be patient because that's what God wants us to do" or "Mom, the flowers and grass are so beautiful.  God made them for us."  She sees our church as a place of joy, friendships, and a place where she hears about the Lord.  This church has already been such a blessing for us in so many ways.

As I sat in the sanctuary, listening to the worship songs, I thanked the Lord that this little girl already has her heart stirred by Him.  She already has a desire to be here and this desire was on her mind with the first opening of her eyes that morning.  I asked for forgiveness for my attitude and thanked Him for the reminder that it is not all about me, but instead my responsibility and witness to her and her sister.

Just a thought as you prioritize your weekend activities.  I know our family often gets carried away in all of the stuff.  I thank God for my little girl and for reminding me what truly matters.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Number One Thing We Must Do as a Parent

Yesterday morning, it was Mother's Day, and as everyone was still snoring away I decided to go on a walk.  Since we are living in an apartment still, while we build, I have very little area to "get away" for a little quiet time.  I love bringing my Bible and journal down to the area park so that's just what I did yesterday.  After writing in my journal I went on a mile run and then walked/ran the second.  It was just beautiful.  I cranked up my praise and worship music and used this time as a prayer walk.  Afterward, I headed on over to Panera, with the intention of just grabbing a coffee.  Then, as I approached the counter, those Spinach & Bacon Soufflés were screaming at me to buy one.  How could I say no?  I ended up getting two.

I found a table outside, flipped open my Bible, and my Beth Moore Jesus Devotional (highly recommend any of the devotionals in this series).  As I read the scripture listed for Day 18 I felt myself tearing up and I knew why.  It was not because of the content or the words in this passage.  While they are, of course, very important that is not what did it for me.  I realized, as I read the passage aloud, that it just felt like home.  There was familiarity, like you find with an old friend.  The words on the pages resonated somewhere deep within my soul and I could feel the Holy Spirit well up inside.

With it being Mother's Day this especially meant something to me.  You know why it felt like home?  It was because the words that fill up these pages were engrained in me at a very early age by my parents.  

"Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6

"Do not let kindness and truth leave you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart."
Proverbs 3:3

We, as Moms, feel "Pinterest pressure".  You know what I'm talking about.  We see a hundred (or thousands) of different ideas when it comes to crafts, cooking, organization, decorating immaculately, working out, and becoming a better person.  A person that we just don't have time to become because we are too busy organizing in a new way or making a hundred different wreaths.  We start wanting to be all things to all people, despite our natural God given talents.  Our kids have a million activities we try to juggle all the while trying to be a calm "Super Mom" at the same time.  We feel torn in a hundred directions.  Don't get me wrong.  If you know me, you know I love all of the things I find on Pinterest.  I love to jump in and start new projects.  It excites me and I enjoy it a ton.  That in itself is not bad.  However, I find myself needing to take a step back and remember what is truly important.  What is truly at stake here?  

The most important thing I can do as a Mom is point my children toward God through His word, His creation, and my actions.  If my children see me putting a hundred things in front of God and my time with Him that speaks volumes.  I remember being very little and waking up early in the mornings.  Without fail my Mom was sitting at the kitchen table, with all of her highlighters out, pouring through the Bible.  When I would be struggling with something I would find a Post-It note on my mirror the next day with scripture pertaining to my issue.  If I came home from school crying over a boyfriend, she would pray with me, and tell me to journal about it to God.  

The thing is, she was constantly pointing me toward God, and showing me through her actions that He was her number one priority.  It is perfectly fine to jump into projects and take your kids to activities.  Enjoy it ALL.  God gave us all of these things so take it in.  It is just important that we strike the balance, always being sure to put God where He belongs because the other stuff is just stuff, no matter how fun.  As a Mom, we must train up our children in the ways of the  You cannot start too early and you are never too late, even if you have kiddos that are now adults!  Just don't wait because honestly that is ALL that really matters.
