"To give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulties or troubles"
To give way--to let it in. Your choice, no one else.
To dwell--to meditate, to rest in it, to surround yourself.
However, God tells a different story throughout His word.
"In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word."
Psalm 119:14-16
He says for us to meditate on HIM and not the terrible cycle that worry brings.
The Lord wants us to fill up our minds with Him so that we crowd out the thoughts of the devil. When we delve into the word of God we begin to see this world, along with the anxieties that arise, through a different set of eyes. I have gone through spells where there are other things that compete for my attention. Let's be honest, there is something every day that tempts you to not sit down, SLOW down, and meditate on God's word. Slowing down goes against every fiber in our body when you have a voice in your head saying, "The kitchen is a mess. We have no food in the fridge. I need to go to the store. Like now. I'm starving." Sometimes it's our own work schedule that gets in the way. You justify by saying, "I have a meeting this morning. I will read later. I will pray on my way to work and before lunch." Some of us don't just have those thoughts in our head. Some of us have a little one in our face, pulling on our clothes, begging for a snack, like they didn't just have breakfasts #1, #2, and #3. Our two girls have a passion, a LOVE for eating, and it never stops. (In fact, as I am writing this, Hoot just came in here saying, "Mommy, I want breakfast". So there it is.) But think about it this way. We put a lot of effort into cultivating friendships and relationships with our spouse and children. We make sure we have dinner together so we can catch up on the events of the day. We go out together, run errands, shuttle our kids to a hundred events. We chat it up the whole time, getting to know each other as we spend time together.
How are you going to get to know God, your Father, the creator of the universe as you bow your head quickly before dinner? How about that prayer as you get in bed and close your eyes? I cannot tell you how many times I have fallen asleep during those bedtime prayers. While those prayer times are great, they cannot be the only times you converse with Him. We discussed in our Life Group last week how we need to be intentional when it comes to spending time with God just like we are when it comes to spending time with our kids, spouse, and friends. Can you imagine telling your kids you would be somewhere to hang out with them and then just never showing up? What about if you and your spouse had a date night planned (it happens...sometimes!) and as you sat at the table, waiting for them to show, you got a phone call saying that they forgot all about it. We have to make a date with God and be intentional when it comes to keeping it.
I am a morning person, but I understand that many people just aren't. The thought of waking up early to spend time with God is just not going to happen and that is fine. Maybe nighttime is your thing or even during your lunch break. One thing I think about though is how we have the tendency to put off God. "Well, after I get the house cleaned" or "After I make this phone call". That is one reason the morning is good for me. It puts God as the first priority of my day and it's before the crazy, in my face, busyness begins! It allows me to set my mind on the Spirit of God first thing in the morning, which helps set the tone and my mind for the day.
"For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God."
Romans 8:6-8
I am working through Ann Voskamp's book The Greatest Gift right now during this Advent season. This morning I loved reading this passage when she says, "Worry is belief gone wrong. Because you don't believe that God will get it right. Peace is belief that exhales. Because you believe that God's provision is everywhere--like air."
So when I am worrying am I saying that I don't believe God will get it right? That is exactly what I am saying. This quote hit me hard. My worrisome thoughts and questions stand in direct opposition to the faith that I need to have. When I am at peace I am saying, "Yes, God. I trust you. I know you love me and want the best for my life. I trust in you alone. Not my reasoning, researching, and questioning because with you Lord there are no questions. You alone are the answer."
I struggle daily, but more and more I find myself being able to recognize and stop the worry as it creeps into my thoughts and before it runs rampant. The closer I draw to God the clearer I can see.

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