Now stay with me. This is not a plug for a company or an endorsement for a product. It has nothing to do with it. That being on.
I recently became a distributor for a multilevel marketing company. From the endorsers, the research, personal stories of those close to me, and from my own personal experience I really like the product. Since I started with the company I find my mind spinning, trying to find ways to share the product with others. There are items that I have tried that really helped me and I want to help others with the difficulties they are having. I may have a person tell me about something going on with them and I automatically think of certain products that may help. I want to spread the word. I want others to know about these products. I want to "save" them from what ails them, giving them freedom, either physically or financially.
I think about being in the workplace. Before my life as a stay at home Mom I was a teacher. I would stay at school late, making my lesson plans, and attempting to make activities that would reach my kids. I wanted them to understand the concepts. My goal was to share knowledge with them that I truly felt they needed to know.
I see my husband's mind turning about his work, often times after work hours, as he creates and organizes presentations, events, and ideas. He is always strategizing, trying to find the best way to convey his message to others.
One night, as I spoke about the company to a friend, it dawned on me.
This is what I should be doing more of when it comes to Christ.
As I was thinking of ways to share this company with others I suddenly realized how my energy and direction was somewhat displaced. While this is a good company and I should want to share it, how much GREATER is the creator of the universe and how much more vitally important is that message?! True, this company may make you feel better, while you are in this temporary home in this temporal body, but the message of Christ is eternal.
Shouldn't we be staying up later, studying the word of God, and constantly searching out people to tell about Him? In a multilevel company you hope to have others sign up under you so that in turn they will be able to share the products and the company with others. Shouldn't our goal be to "sign up" others for Christ so that they will in turn share the living word to those around them? With this company, they ask you to just share your story. Share your experience. As I was doing this I was thinking, "Wow, I need to be doing more of that when it comes to Christ, the message of forgiveness, and the joy found in a relationship with Him." One product of Christ he has given me is forgiveness for all of my questioning, fears, and anxiety (Ephesians 4:32). Another being an eternal hope and life in Him (John 3:16). He gives me peace and strength right when I need it (Isaiah 40:29). There have been things that I feared so much. However, when I finally came to that moment He was already there.
I sometimes think we just need a restart button.
We get so unbelievably distracted and tangled in what really doesn't matter that we lose sight of everything that truly does.
The things we do on this Earth are not in themselves bad at all. This is not what I am saying. We need work to help provide for our families. We need people that work hard and show devotion in their workplace. Our jobs and skills are a gift and blessing from God. We just need to evaluate where our heart and focus lies. Think about what is truly at stake.
By not sharing God and his work in your life you are depriving those around you that are lost and hurting. Just like I want to share these products to help others, how much greater is the gift of salvation? Yes, these products help your body here on this Earth, but then what? What Christ offers is eternal life and without Him is eternal damnation. If we truly believe this, shouldn't we be up late, working hard, trying to find ways to share this truth and hope with those around us? I know my mind needs to be redirected, pretty much on a minute to minute basis.
What is your focus? Where does your heart rest?

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