Welcome to
Cheerios & Laundry!
I feel blessed that you have come across my blog. I have many ideas spinning around in my head for this blog. We will see where it takes me! I hope that you can find a dose of inspiration (Godly, project driven, and craftiness) along with fun activities to do with your family. I am looking forward to hearing and learning from you too!
I will post personal, family-related things on this blog, but for now I will be referring to my girls as Bumble and Hoot. Why Bumble and Hoot you ask?! Well, a million different names came to mind when I thought about the personalities of my little ones. They are both a mess. A complete mess. Full of personality, noises, spunk, and just more opinions than little people should be allowed to have. One word, or name, just could not sum them up in my mind. So after much debate my oldest is "Bumble" and my youngest is "Hoot". For Bumble's first birthday I did a Bumblebee theme, thus being the reason I am now referring to her as Bumble. My youngest had an owl themed party so Hoot it is.
What is Hoot eating? Oh yes, you guessed it...
She is always on the hunt and leaving a trail wherever she goes.
All four of us are responsible for leaving trails and mountains that look like this around our home (in bedrooms, in the hallway, etc. etc.) I am wonderful about washing the clothes and throwing them in the dryer. However, taking them out, folding them, and putting them away is a completely different story.
So here we go.
Be sure to follow me as we take this adventure through trails of cheerios and PILES (and I mean PILES) of laundry!

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