So, we have been in Ohio for a little over a week now. Yesterday was a day full of crazy chaos. You know those days where you feel like you are rolling around in the trenches of Murphy’s law?! That was me. Everything that could go wrong pretty much did.
The night before I was able to get a lot of boxes unpacked in the apartment while Adam took the girls down to the hot tub and pool. Ironically, the pool at our apartment opens in April in Ohio where any apartment I lived in at Texas didn’t open until after Memorial Day. So, with all of that progress I decided to jump into homeschooling the next morning. I knew it would be trying to juggle a lot because keep in mind I’m still trying to figure out homeschooling with three kiddos, much less in a new place, with a lot of our stuff still hanging around in stacked boxes.
I started off strong, but felt my patience wearing they were both slugs, laying their heads on the table, yawning, etc. We got through a good portion, but in the middle of it I had the brilliant idea to start making dinner so it would be ready to go in the fridge, and we could work out when the hubs got home. I started chopping up veggies, all the while glancing at the time because we needed to leave for Hoot's and M's (still not sure of a blog name for will come) doctor appointments by 1:15. It was about 12:00 p.m. at this point. So, the recipe for the soup called for a 1/2 cup of wine. I am not a big wine drinker and if I drink any it means that the hubs (he also needs a blog name) opened the bottle. However, he was at work so I decided that I was an adult and I could handle it. I started with a wine opener. This resulted in me Facetiming my husband, at his work, to help me open a bottle of wine. I was getting so frustrated and kept watching my time ticking away. I pulled out a metal skewer from the night before and stabbed the cork. This only produced a tiny hole and the wine stubbornly would not come out. I then saw the scissors sitting on the counter. I grabbed them and took a few good stabs at the cork and BAM, there went the cork, down into the bottle, scissors still stuck, and it splashed all over me. I poured the wine into my measuring cup, scissors still inside, and I couldn’t help but laugh. This would be our first appointment with one of my husband's employed doctors and I was going to wreak of wine. Lovely. Just lovely.
I got to a stopping point with the soup, grabbed M to feed her, and rushed the girls around to get their shoes and pants on. As I was getting my shoes M had a large burp and up it came. Spit up. On me. On the floor. I wiped up what I could, but kept rolling.
Going to the doctor
As we drove to the office Bumble told me she had a headache. Not even five minutes later she is hunched over, head resting on the seat in front of her, throwing up in the car. Not to give too much information, but she had just had bananas and if you know me I am NOT a fan of bananas, so that just added to the issue. Hoot starts screaming crying and I’m like, “Hoot, why are you crying?!” and she said, “Mom, because I love her!” Oh goodness or "BLESS" for you Tennesseans. We were almost to the office, or so I thought. Honestly, I couldn’t feel more out of my comfort zone. I am in a new vehicle, which I love, but am not familiar with at all (where are the lights, how do I turn on the rear AC, etc. etc.) and I have really no idea where I am. I glance around at the license plates around me, still really in disbelief, thinking “O---HIIII--OOO....I live in Ohhhiiiooo....” Yep, going to take a second to get used to that one.
So, we arrive at the office, Bumble and Hoot have both recovered from the drive over and as we walk in M is now wide awake. They hand me two sets of a million papers to fill out. You know.
So, here I am, looking and probably acting like a frazzled mess of a Mom that smells like wine and has wet spit up marks on her jeans and shirt, while rocking a baby in a carrier, filling out paperwork, and handing the other two kids snacks and an iPad. Anything to keep everyone occupied. Gosh. Who knows what I signed my name on because I didn’t read a thing.
M received two shots. Poor girl. Poor Mom. Ugh. Shots are never fun for anyone. Afterward, I rewarded myself with Chick-fil-A. It’s been a bit since I’ve had fast food. Go me. Focusing on healthy eating, but who cares when everything else seems to be going down the drain. That’s when you throw up your hands and jump in the drive thru.
We got back to the apartment, I turned the heat on the soup, and sat outside to feed M. After a few minutes I smelled scorched mushrooms. Yep, the soup was burning. I ran in there, turned down the heat, and tried to tidy up my disaster of a kitchen. I ended up spilling yogurt all over the kitchen floor and down into the trash bin. Chewy took care of clean up for that one. I just laughed. What else do you do?
Hubs got home and instead of being a complete grump ball I felt joy. I told him about my day and we laughed. Dinner ended up being a success. I made a creamy mushroom soup and crostini topped with a pesto aioli, chopped spinach, marinated balsamic chicken, and provolone cheese. Big yums. The girls were watching Netflix in my room so I lit some candles and we started dinner without them. Sometimes you just have to do that. Have some one on one time with your guy. The girls eventually joined us once they got a whiff of food in the apartment. We had such a good time at dinner, laughing, and talking. It was honestly refreshing. He commented a few times saying, “I’m so impressed with you having such a crazy day, but still being in such a good mood and do you see how it’s contagious? This has been the best dinner we have all had together since being here.”
This day was eye opening for me. The events of the day do not need to dictate my mood.
Love Proverbs 31:25 where it says, “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future”. This verse shows the carefree attitude we are called to have. It is pointless to worry. It is pointless to fear. This day reminded me to truly live in the moment, good or bad, crazy or sad, and just take it for ALL that it is because this is the day that the Lord has given me. Our attitudes are contagious and it’s amazing how our mood can set the tone for the moods around us as well. So, because of the string of chaotic events yesterday I will live today a little lighter. God has already been teaching me so much through this move and I am thrilled to be on this adventure with Him. Don’t get me wrong. This week has been tough. Full of full blown panic attacks and fear. However, I know that God is holding me tightly and He alone is my refuge.

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